1-Tuition is now due for February.

2-Your $60 Recital Fee is due by April 1st. This recital fee helps cost the cover of the school, the lighting and sound fee, the janitor, the backdrop, props, set pieces, etc. But with this fee you can invite anyone to come and watch the recital. There are no tickets, so it’s free for everyone!

3-Thank you to everyone for paying your costume fees in a timely manner. Costumes have been ordered and will be arriving anytime in between now and May. Remember to store these costumes in a safe place in your home once they come in.

4-Just a reminder that we require 24 hours notice if a private lesson has to be missed.

5-We are now offering a Tuesday morning Zumba class from 10-11 and the Thursday evening one has switched from 6:15-7:15 to 6:30-7:30.

6-The summer schedule will be available the end of March/beginning of April

7-Plan now to keep these dates open: Picture Day, Saturday, May 30th. And Dress Rehearsal, June 13th and The Recital, June 14th.

8-We have been nominated on www.FredParent.net for the best dance studio, best acting/theatre classes, best music classes, and best day camps. Go online and vote for us!!! Vote as much as you can! Voting ends the end of March.


Laura Romani