“Afro Circus” received a Platinum score and 1st Place Overall in Mini Recreational Groups


“Break Free” (Kayla) received a Platinum score and 2nd Place Overall in Petite Recreational Solos


“Wherever You Will Go” (Taylor) received a Platinum score


“In My Life” (Addison) received a Platinum score and 3rd Place Overall in Junior Advanced Solos


“Gimme Gimme” (Riley) received a Diamond score and 1st Place Overall in Junior Advanced Solos


“The Sunny Side of the Street” (Samantha) received a Platinum score


“Warrior” (Shelbi) received a Platinum score


“If My Friends Could See Me Now” (Kinsley) received a Platinum score


“Winter” (Riley) received a Diamond score and 2nd Place Overall in Junior Advanced Solos


“Here’s Where I Stand” (Samantha) received a Platinum score


“Creator” received a Platinum score and 2nd Place Overall in Junior Advanced Duet/Trios


“That’s Not My Name” received a Platinum score, 1st Place Overall in Teen Advanced Duet/Trios, and was the Overall High Score of the Day in all Advanced Duet/Trios


“Be Italian” (Regan) received a Platinum score, 2nd Place Overall in Advanced Senior Solos, and Judge’s Choice for “Most Entertaining”


“Your Love Got It” received a Platinum score, 1st Place Overall in Advanced Teen Small Groups, and was the Overall High Score of the Day ins all Advanced Small Groups