1-I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I cannot believe it is already 2017, but we are excited for what this year will bring to FSA. And a huge congratulations to all of our dancers that participated in our Christmas dance recital!
2-Tuition is due by Tuesday, January 10th.
3-If you are adding or dropping a class, it needs be done by Friday, January 27th. After this we are not excepting any new registrations for this school year. We also aren’t allowing any changes of classes because costumes need to be ordered and June recital choreography will be started. If you want to drop a class and wait until February or later, you will still be signed into your contract and are required to pay your monthly tuition through June. If you are switching a class, please update your registration form with the front desk.
4-Costume fees for our June recital were put in your family folder right after our December recital. These are due by January 14th. If this is not paid on time a costume will not be ordered for your child. And this fee is non-refundable.
5-Our inclement weather policy: If we need to close due to bad weather, please check our Facebook page. If you do not have a Facebook page, go to our website (www.FredericksburgStudio.com) and click on the little Facebook icon. Decisions for after school classes will be made by 2:00 and decisions for Wednesday morning classes will be made by 9:30. We do not go by Spotsylvania County Schools closings. We make our own decision. If nothing is written on our Facebook page, then we are obviously open. Each class and private lesson is allowed 2 cancellations before it will be made up.
6-Please go through the lost and found box. We will be donating the items January 14th.
Important Dates:
1-Tuition is due by January 10th
2-Costume fees are due January 14th.
3-The last day to add/drop a class is January 27th. Please see the front desk for this.
4-We will be closed on Friday, March 3rd.
5-February 20-24: FSA Spirit Week! Days will be announced soon.
6-Spring Break: April 15-23
7-April 8th: June Recital fees are due. This is a non-refundable fee. Each family will pay $60 (with an extra $15 per sibling). There will be no tickets for sale. Paying this fee makes the recital free for anyone to come and enjoy!
8-Saturday, May 13th: Music Recital
9-Saturday, May 20th: Tentative 2017-2018 Competition Auditions
10-Monday, May 29th: Studio closed for Memorial Day
11-Saturday, June 3rd: June Recital Picture Day
11-Friday, June 16th: June Recital Dress Rehearsal at Riverbend High School
12-Saturday, June 17th: Our June Dance Recital “Neverland” at Riverbend High School.