1-Congratualtions to everyone who danced in our Christmas dance recital! You all did such an amazing job!

2-Tuition is due by January 7th. Payments will be taken out tomorrow.

3-Our Spring Dance recital theme will be announced on January 15th!

4-All costume fees are due by Thursday, January 16th. Every level 2 class and up will be $75 per costume and any level below will be $70.

5-Our last day to register is January 23rd! Once we pass the 23rd, our 30 day policy ends and you are signed into your contract through May.

6-Each class and private lesson is allowed to have 2 inclement weather days. For example, if your child is in a dance class on a Thursday and we miss 1 or 2 Thursdays due to bad weather, a make-up class will not be offered. If we end up missing a third class, we will then schedule a make-up class on a Friday or Saturday or during Spring Break. We will announce closures on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Even if you do not have a Facebook page, you can go to our website, scroll to the bottom of the homepage and you will see a small logo with an “f.” Click on that icon and it will send you to our Facebook Page. We do not follow Spotsylvania County Schools for this decision. Sometimes, the roads are bad in the mornings, but by late afternoon, the snow has melted. It will be announced on Social Media by 2pm and I will send out an email as long as I have power.


Important Dates: 

January 7th: Tuition is due

January 15th: Recital theme is announced!

January 16th: All recital costume fees are due.

January 20th: We are open for Martin Luther King Day.

January 23rd: Last day to register/switch classes