1-Thank you for a fantastic first month back! September was great and we are even more excited about what all this season is going to bring!

2-Remember, food is only allowed in our lobby in the main building. I want to remind everyone that we are a “Nut Free” studio. We have many students with nut allergies. So if your child brings a snack with them, please make sure there are no nuts. This also includes Chik-fil-a, Five Guys, and George’s pizza.

3-If you have signed up and need to drop a class, you must give 30-days notice by October 1st. October payment will still be due, but your child can still participate in the class. You are allowed to switch classes, but we will also need 30-days notice. No exceptions.

4-Congratulations on our “Nutcracker” cast list! The participating classes are Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, Beg. I/II Ballet, Beg. III Ballet, Int. I Ballet, Int. II Ballet, Int. III Ballet, Adv. I Ballet, Adv. II Ballet, & Pre-Pointe/Pointe. These classes will have the $25 costume rental fee. Invoices will be in your folder next week.

5-The other classes that will be participating in our Christmas Dance Recital are Beg. I Tap, Beg. II Tap, Int. I Tap, Adv. I Tap, Adv. II Tap, Beg. I Musical Theatre, Beg. II Musical Theatre, Int. I Musical Theatre, Int. II Musical Theatre, Int. III Musical Theatre, Adv. I Musical Theatre, & Adv. II Musical Theatre. We will have a list of what the students need to wear for this in a few weeks. Teachers will pick simple pieces that students either already own or that can be easily purchased.

6-We are still currently figuring out more information on the Spotsylvania Christmas Parade that all other students can participate in this season.

7-Friday, October 27th is our Trunk-or-Treat from 6:00-8:00. We will set the Black Box up as a haunted room. Parents can hand out candy starting at 7:15. You can decorate the trunk of your car if you’d like, but make sure you bring Nut-Free candy to hand out. There will be a sign up sheet at the front desk so we can get a head count. Due to space, this is for FSA families only. Students can of course bring their siblings, but cannot bring friends. This event is free, but we ask that you bring a food donation for the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank.


Important Dates:
Saturday, October 7: Tuition is due

Friday, Oct. 20th: Must be officially enrolled in classes to participate in the Christmas Dance Recital

Friday, Oct. 27th: Studio Trunk-or-Treat Party 6:00-8:00

Tuesday, Oct. 31st: Closed for Halloween

Wednesday, Nov. 1st: All “Nutcracker” costume rental fees due

Tuesday, Nov. 21-Sunday, Nov. 26th: Closed for Thanksgiving

Saturday, Dec. 2nd: Possible Spotsy County Christmas Parade

Saturday, Dec. 9th: Mandatory In-Studio “Nutcracker” rehearsal & Music Recital

Saturday, Dec. 16th: Christmas Dance Dress Rehearsal & Dance Recital at Riverbend High School

Sunday, Dec. 17-Jan. 2nd: Closed for Christmas Break