Studio Reminders: 

1- Tuition is due by the 7th! 

2-Thank you for a first wonderful month back! 

3- October 24-27 students may wear their Halloween costume to the studio! Just make sure they can still dance in it.

4- Our Annual trunk or treat is Friday, October 28th from 5:00-7:00. We will set the Black Box up as a haunted room. Parents can hand out candy starting at 6:15. You can decorate the trunk of your car if you’d like, but make sure you bring Nut-Free candy to hand out. This event is free, but we ask that you bring a food donation for the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank.

5-Our Christmas Recital Cast List is also attached in this email. Classes in “The Nutcracker” will be renting costumes from us. Classes listed in Act II will be provided a list the beginning on November that will have what they need to wear. 

6- For constant updates check our Facebook page (and make sure you like our page!) and our website!

7-A great way to keep the arts alive is private music lessons! Mr. John has openings on Mondays here at the studio. He works in the music department at the University of Mary Washington and has his masters degree in music! He teaches piano, guitar, and ukulele!


Important Dates: 

October 7th: Tuition is due

October 17th: Last Day to enroll to be in our Christmas Dance Recital 

October 24th-October 27th: Costume Week! 

October 28th: Trunk-or-Treat! 

October 31st: Closed for Halloween

November 7th: Nutcracker fees due

November 19th-20th: The Sound of Music performances at Tabernacle United Methodist Church

November 22nd-27th: Closed for Thanksgiving

December 3rd: Christmas Music Recital 

December 17th: Christmas Dress Rehearsal/Dance Recital at Riverbend High School